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Lithium Battery Export Compliance: Essential Reports and Certifications

29 Nov, 2023

By hoppt

CB 21700

Lithium batteries, first proposed by Gilbert N. Lewis in 1912 and further developed by M. S. Whittingham in the 1970s, are a type of battery made from lithium metal or lithium alloys and use a non-aqueous electrolyte solution. Due to the highly reactive nature of lithium metal, processing, storage, and use of these batteries demand stringent environmental standards. With technological advancements, lithium batteries have become a mainstream choice.

For lithium battery manufacturers, like Hoppt Battery, navigating the export process to various countries is a critical challenge. This is primarily due to the categorization of lithium batteries as hazardous materials, which imposes strict regulations on their production and transportation.

Hoppt Battery, a specialized lithium battery manufacturer, has extensive experience in exporting these batteries. We highlight six essential reports and documents typically required for lithium battery export:

  1. CB Report: Under the IECEE-CB scheme, a globally recognized system for electrical product safety testing, holding a CB certificate and report can facilitate customs clearance and meet the import requirements of various countries.CB 21700
  2. UN38.3 Report and Test Summary: This is a mandatory test outlined by the United Nations for the safe transportation of dangerous goods, covering a range of battery types including cell phone, laptop, and camera batteries.UN38.3
  3. Hazardous Characteristics Identification Report: Issued by specialized customs laboratories, this report determines if a product is a hazardous material and is required for export documentation.
  4. 1.2m Drop Test Report: Essential for air and sea shipping certifications, this test assesses a battery's resistance to impact, an important safety consideration during transportation.
  5. Sea/Air Transport Identification Report: These reports, differing in requirements for sea and air transport, are crucial for ensuring the safety of the vessel and its cargo.
  6. MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet): A comprehensive document detailing the chemical properties, hazards, safety handling, and emergency measures related to a chemical product.MSDS

These six certificates/reports are commonly required in the lithium battery export process, ensuring compliance and safety in international trade.


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